Search found 2 matches

by OdieHerpaderp
Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:09 pm
Forum: The Bar
Topic: 20th Re-Volt Anniversary
Replies: 13
Views: 45294

Re: 20th Re-Volt Anniversary

It sure has been a while since i've seen you guys. I don't have a whole lotta time to check up on the forums and discord, but i'd be down to drop by for the meetup.

PS. i could surely use a new shirt, dear sponsor.
by OdieHerpaderp
Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:36 pm
Forum: Work in Progress
Topic: RV Soundtrack Project
Replies: 62
Views: 471932

Re: RV Soundtrack Project

Hey guys, while it's great to see everyone set out to do their own thing, i think it might prove useful that we work on getting a main melody/theme worked up first, so that we can build upon a memorable and cohesive theme. I'll be gone for the weekend, but after that, i'll be contributing some ideas...