Spa-Volt Diary

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Re-Volt Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:21 am

Hello Re-Volters!

As somebody of you maybe already saw at the Discord #creations channel, since a few weeks I am working on my first Re-Volt track. I only did some simple car remodelling before, so I'm a total newbee regarding track-making and Blender, and I have to learn a lot, if I want to create a nice track. But I accepted this challenge - and together with the great help in the #creations community in the Discord channel, I was able to solve all the problems I was experiencing so far. (And this was quite a lot... :D)

Here in this thread, I want to do sort of a "diary" of the progress of my track. The target audience are all people which are interested. But especially beginners, who maybe also want to create their own track, but didn't had the guts to begin doing a track, because of the huge challenges waiting. As already said, I was also an absolute newbee at track-making (and especially Blender), but it's absolutly possible to learn, if you bring enough motivation and time with you. (However, I don't know how my track will look like in the end - maybe it will be crap, but at least I learned a lot - and maybe my second track will be better then :) )

OK guys, my planned track is called Spa-Volt. It's located in a Spa-Resort. There will be an indoor and an outdoor area. You will drive beside the pools, through the Spa-restaurant, and the changing room area. If the track will get to short in the end, I will extend it to an entrance-area. It will be night time, and it is raining outside. The pools are still romantic illuminated, because the Spa was closed 30 minutes before. There will be some cleaning machines waiting for their nightly performance, but no people are around, when the RC-cars take over. The whole track has a romantic athmosphere, in the inside area it's bright, but not so in the outside. The rain in the outside is causing some large puddles, I hope no RC cars will slip and fall into the pool!

Here are some real-life pictures, which was inspiration for me:

Inside area:

Outside area:

I have planned the track in detail, and also have found a nice racing line with some diversity. However, on this drawing, you are not able to see the "up" and "down" parts I have planned. You will be able to see this later in my diary
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(The text on the drawing is german - but maybe you will get a feeling about the track also without understanding it)

Today in the evening, I will do my first post from the diary, where I will present you my first steps doing the track.

Cheers! Kiwi
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by 607 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:57 am

Aah, I love the planning on paper. <3
Have fun, and good luck, as I think this can become great! :)
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by SebR » Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:34 pm

So only 1 possible star for Sprinter XL or R6Turbo ... :lol:
Damn DROPBOX !!! If you found broken link PM me

AlicebanD an English voice that you must discover !!
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:55 pm

Hello all!

This is my first diary post for Spa-Volt, and today I want to show you how I started. I think this is the hardest part from the whole project, especially for a beginner like me. I really had no clue how I should start....

1) So the first thing I did, was reading the nice Blender Tutorial by Marv. You can find it here: - a lot of things will be described there. For a beginner, the informations are sometimes too much. But it definitly helps to read this before starting the modelling. And later on, you can read some of the pages again, if you get stucked.

2) For sure, I already had a detailed idea how my track should look like. But this idea was only in my head so far. So the second thing I did, was drawing a plan of the track, and wrote down all the ideas I had for my track. This helps a lot for further steps. And also if some parts will change during modelling, the drawing is firm as a rock - it always is beside me while working on the track, so I don't loose the direction.

3) Before I started with Spa-Volt, I created a test-level, to get a feeling for Blender, the Blender plugin, and how it works to get the track to Re-Volt. I just created a simple platform in Blender, and put some obstacles (a cylinder, a ramp) on it. Then I exported this with Marv's Blender plugin ( I was already able to drive a car on the platform. I had some issues with the mapping of a texture, the starting position from the car, and the overall scaling of the track - but some nice guys helped me in the #creations channel on Discord. And some things I for sure found out on my own. The most things you will learn, while fiddling around. I think it took me 3-4 hours to get the test-level running, but I already was proud of myself, and my anticipation for Spa-Volt was growing. I really was excited at this moment, everything felt so easy. But I soon will pushed back to the hard reality... :D

My testlevel.
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4) Time to start the real Spa-Volt! I had no idea, on which position of the level I should begin with, so I've choosen an area near the starting/finish-line. This part is also the connection between two areas of my level: The changing room, and the big main hall. I thought, this is a good postion to start the modelling.
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You can see a door, and the floor in front of the door (main hall direction). A big mistake I did in the beginning, was to do to many small faces. Gotolei and R6te was telling me, to do bigger faces, and also that all faces should have nearly the same size. I worked nearly 4 hours with to small faces, so in the end I deleted everything I did so far, and started from scratch with bigger faces. Learning by doing... :lol:

Here you can see the too small faces:
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Another issue I experienced very early was, that my main hall shouldn't be a perfect rectangle according to the ideas I had in my head. It should have "curved" walls instead:
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But how can I do something like this, in Blender? Marv introduced me into a function called "Proportional Editing", and with this function I was able to create a perfect curved wall :) It looked like this in the beginning:
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Next issue. How should I add a balcony to this? I was not that experienced at this time, so my only idea was, to add a small face between the walls, so I can extrude a balcony out of it. Like this:
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(Maybe 10 hours after I did this, it ended that I deleted the whole walls and balcony again, and did it in a different way - from scratch, for sure. :lol: )

OK. After I had the main wall done, I began to do the floor, and the side walls. I also added staircases to reach the balcony. For sure with not to small faces, like suggested by the Pros. After 2-3 hours of pain, it looked like this:
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This was the first time, where you maybe can imagine the idea of my level. And it also was the first time, where I thought that I will be able to finish my track some years later. Until this point, it took me maybe 15 hours. But from now on, everything went really smooth, because the main parts of the tracks was already there. And from this main parts, it was really easy to extrude more needed faces. At this point, I also did a small drawing on the current status, to get a better feeling where it should go to. And it fitted very well with my initial plan!
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As you can see, there are already the outdoor area and the pools. I've also added a new room in the back of the track - the changing area.

For testing purposes, I've colored the inside of the pool with a blue texture, only to get a better feeling for it (and to see it better - because otherwise the whole track would have been totally gray). After an export to Re-Volt it looked like this:
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I was far away to be finished with modelling the track, but I wanted to fiddle around with mapping the textures a little bit. I also played around with the "makeitgood" mode in Re-Volt, to add a waterbox for my pool. The mapping is far away from perfect at this step, but I was really proud after it looked like this In-Game:
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You already can see the (custom) water surface here. :)

After this, I started to playing around with the big window wall, which divides the indoor pool area, from the outdoor area. My idea was, that this should be really big windows, so you can see the outside from the inside, and vice-versa. I also added some pillars, so it looks more realistic. The status in Blender was like this at this time:
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Here a quick drawing, of how the raceline will work with the inside and outside area:
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And again, a drawing to see if the whole thing is still conform with my initial plan:
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Looks good! ;)

So, this was the first part of my diary. My plan is, to release Spa-Volt at the end of this year, maybe autumn or winter 2018. For sure I have still A LOT of work to do. I will keep you updated here in this thread. Thanks for reading!

Ciao, Kiwi
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by Marv » Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:57 pm

This reminds me a lot of my Industry track, especially because of the curved hall in the middle.
Can't wait to play this one, keep it up :)
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by Pyves » Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:21 pm

Very promising, looking forward to racing the track!
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by dipar » Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:49 pm

Incredible idea and planning. Keep it up !
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by agg1401 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:09 pm

Good work.
Turkish Re-Volter.

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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:20 pm

Thanks guys for this compliments. This motivates a lot. Also comments with suggestions, critic and possible improvements are allowed, and would help a lot. :)

DIARY from April 24th 2018

Today is a bad day. I fiddled around about 4 hours with the pool, and I nearly got mad.

The problems are this things:

1: I want to add a water-overrun (drainage?) around the whole pool, to let it look a little bit more realistic. I'm sure you know something like this:
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The problem is, that my pool is no rectangle with 90°corners. Then it would be not a big task to add this drainage. But my pool has a lot of "curves" and convexity, which makes this task of adding such a drainage really hard. I have no good idea, how I should do the mapping. Maybe it would be easy for a more experienced level-maker, but not for a noob like me.

2: Also, there are a really huge amount of rectangles necessary because of problem number 1, especially in the curve areas.
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So I decided, to remove my pool completly, and will replace it to a more simple version. I don't know exactly how, because I don't want a simple rectangle, but I am thinking about it at the moment:

At the moment, my level looks like this: Sad thing. :?
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Wish me good luck! :D

Cheers, Kiwi
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by r6te » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:58 pm

Actually, I think it's totally possible! Although, this will require experience. Just keep on building, you will discover over time that there are no limits.

Your track looks really good as of now, I like the vibe that is being set off. Perhaps think about lightning setups etc, how would you do it in your favourite spa/pool environment? The idea is certainly good, it's not that easy to realize though. But knowing you, I know that you can do it! Good luck mate.
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by 607 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:48 am

Very interesting!
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:13 pm

Thank you Thomas! Regarding the light situation on my track, I had some nice ideas in my mind already. But it's too early to play around with this, I guess. But I can't wait to be at this point sometime! :)

DIARY from April 25th 2018

Yesterday, I tried to "repair" my pool. As you saw on the screenshot from my last diary entry, I deleted my complete pool, because it has a to complex shape for a beginner like me. So I replaced it by a simplified version. Now there are only some corners, all with 90 degrees. So I should not get big issues with further tasks like UV-mapping. Don't know how it will look in the end. I did some test drives on the track, and I think later on it will not attract someones attention how the pool will exactly look. For now I feel better, and if I get more and more experience over the next months, I will maybe replace the pool again. :lol:

I worked on the drainage system yesterday. Cutted a lot of faces around the pool:
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I will not spend my time with texturing in this step, first I want to make progress in modelling. (You can see a test-mapping of the drainage, in the lower left corner of the picture above.)

What I also fiddled around today, are some pedestals on the pool-sides, where some plants will be placed. I have something like on this picture in my mind:
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For testing purposes, I placed trees on the pedestals, and put them into some plant-pots.

It's nice to see some colors on the track!
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Later I will replace this with other (more fitting) plants. Also the position of the plant-pots is not fine at the moment. As well there is no mapping done at this point - again it's only to get a "feeling" for it and that I can decide how to continue.

That's all I've done yesterday. Will continue today in the evening. :)

See you then!


PS: Any criticism on the track so far? This would help a lot. Maybe you see some parts, which are not so good or you don't like at the moment. Just tell me, so I can maybe correct it.
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by Marv » Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:08 pm

The only thing I was going to note was the plants but you already said you'll replace them with better fitting ones. You might be able to find the right thing here, they're all free to use:

The track is looking good so far and I'm excited to see a theme that very few tracks have so far (only Isola Verde).
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by Tavisco » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:21 pm

It's looking so good! Keep up this good work! :D
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:00 am

Thx Marv for this tree source. :) Will definitly use something from there.

DIARY from April 27th 2018

Today I continued with my pool drainage system. It works really well. Have already mapped some drainage textures, and I am happy that it looks like I hoped it will look like in the end. :D Also learned a lot about mapping while doing this. I think I'm prepared now, for the "real" texture mapping work for the rest of the level, I have to do some day!
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I also made a special texture for the corners of the drainage, and mapped it to the corner faces. It looks like this at the moment:
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I also continued on the area at the other side of the pool. I added cylinder meshes, where I planned to add two whirlpools. I cutted out another cylinder by using "Intersect (Boolean)" function, so I can fill water into it later. :D Will also add some whirlpool stairs later.

I also lowered some vertices at the floor in front of the whirlpools, so I will be able to add a waterbox later, for a big puddle of water, which is caused by the nearby shower boxes (and also the whirlpools). You can see my plans for this area on this quick computer drawing:
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Here you can see drawings of the most importent thing I will add later. The puddle (light blue), the shower boxes, the drainage I have to add around the pool (brown), the fence for the first level area, and some walls inside the water (black), where I plan to place a palm tree. You also can see the racing line (red lines).

That's it for today!

Cheers, Kiwi
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by Black-Revolt001 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:44 am

I can not wait to test the track
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by Gotolei » Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am

I gotta say, kudos for recognizing your own limits and reigning yourself back towards them to make sure the final product turns out well instead of just blindly charging in. It's ended up very clean from what I can see. Personally I'd say that if simplifying something allows you to improve upon something, is the simplification a bad thing? Especially in a game that gladly lends itself to that sort of thing.
The only thing that kind of nags me about that screenshot is what the water effect might do to the unjoined edges between the side of the stairs and the wall, but that's rather nitpicky. As you've mentioned, many of the smaller details like that go unnoticed when you're flying past it at 35mph+.

The path going into the whirlpools looks to be a tad narrow, especially being just after a slippery puddle. Are you keeping that in mind when placing the shower boxes - will they inhibit the cars' ability to get an angle before the slippery part starts? Also keeping in mind the AI. Maybe a much-slower "escape-route" around the back of the whirlpool, with plumbing pipes jutting out of the ground to create bumps or something.
About that puddle, how are you planning on drawing it? I recall Marv did some cool-looking stuff in the past with semitransparent reflections. Depending on how you want to draw it out, you'll want to keep the direction of triangulation in mind once you get that far.

Food for thought: because you have the drainage texture on its own dedicated faces, you could customize a surface material to match their look.
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by Hyperf4g » Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:02 pm

Amazing stuff that you're doing, after I read your initial post I had gotten the feeling that you might've bitten off more than you could chew :D Seeing that you're actually pulling it off is very inspirational to me as I'm playing around with the idea of also making a map myself a lot recently. I might have to actually give it a shot if you succeed. Best of luck with the rest :aesthetic:
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:33 pm

Thank you very much, Black-Revolt001, Gotolei and Hyperf4g.

Hyperf4g wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:02 pm Seeing that you're actually pulling it off is very inspirational to me as I'm playing around with the idea of also making a map myself a lot recently. I might have to actually give it a shot if you succeed.
Oh...this is so great to hear. This was exactly the intention I had, when starting this thread. Take away the fear of doing a track. Good luck, Hyper! 8-)

Gotolei wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am The only thing that kind of nags me about that screenshot is what the water effect might do to the unjoined edges between the side of the stairs and the wall, but that's rather nitpicky. As you've mentioned, many of the smaller details like that go unnoticed when you're flying past it at 35mph+.
You was right - didn't thought about joining this edges as well, but after doing a test-run, I decided to do so. I don't want to see things like this on my final track:
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So I started joining the edges, by adding some more triangles to the nearby face, and finally merged the vertics with the Alt + M function.
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Voilà, no strange water effects anymore. :) Thanks a lot Gotolei, for pointing that out.
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Gotolei wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am The path going into the whirlpools looks to be a tad narrow, especially being just after a slippery puddle. Are you keeping that in mind when placing the shower boxes - will they inhibit the cars' ability to get an angle before the slippery part starts? Also keeping in mind the AI. Maybe a much-slower "escape-route" around the back of the whirlpool, with plumbing pipes jutting out of the ground to create bumps or something.
Hmm, you are maybe right. I did some testruns after placing the pools, and I was able to race through it without that much issues. The puddle make the car slide really much, but with some training it's absolutly possible to take a nearly straight line. My initial intention was, to do also some tricky parts but maybe you are right, and this part is really a bit to narrow. Especially, because of the AI. So I decided to do an escape-route, like you mentioned. The only thing I am not sure of: Should this espace-route be the standard-route (also for AI), and the way through the whirlpools a shortcut? I will try to design the espace-route, and decide afterwards.

Gotolei wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am About that puddle, how are you planning on drawing it? I recall Marv did some cool-looking stuff in the past with semitransparent reflections. Depending on how you want to draw it out, you'll want to keep the direction of triangulation in mind once you get that far.
At the moment, I have added an additional water-box, and a custom water surface for it:
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Here some "makeitgood"-screenshots, how I have done it:
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I must say, I am not 100% satisfied with it. The water-effect from the waterbox does not fit to the puddle very much - it's to extreme, for such a small puddle. Also the splash when a car drives into the puddle is not fitting. Maybe, I should get rid of the waterbox at all, and just keep the water surface, and the slippery tiling?

Marv, Gotolei or anybody else - how can I get some "cool-looking stuff with semitransparent reflections"?

Gotolei wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am Food for thought: because you have the drainage texture on its own dedicated faces, you could customize a surface material to match their look.
Gotolei, can you please describe this a little bit better? I don't know, what you exactly mean by this - it sounds like a different surface material change the look of a texture? If this is really the case, I should maybe use this somewhere else also.

Ciao, Kiwi
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by SebR » Tue May 01, 2018 11:43 am

Kiwi wrote:
Gotolei wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am The path going into the whirlpools looks to be a tad narrow, especially being just after a slippery puddle. Are you keeping that in mind when placing the shower boxes - will they inhibit the cars' ability to get an angle before the slippery part starts? Also keeping in mind the AI. Maybe a much-slower "escape-route" around the back of the whirlpool, with plumbing pipes jutting out of the ground to create bumps or something.
Hmm, you are maybe right. I did some testruns after placing the pools, and I was able to race through it without that much issues. The puddle make the car slide really much, but with some training it's absolutly possible to take a nearly straight line. My initial intention was, to do also some tricky parts but maybe you are right, and this part is really a bit to narrow. Especially, because of the AI. So I decided to do an escape-route, like you mentioned. The only thing I am not sure of: Should this espace-route be the standard-route (also for AI), and the way through the whirlpools a shortcut? I will try to design the espace-route, and decide afterwards.
About the escape-route : why don't set it as "Long Pickup Route" so AI will take it sometime (as it is suposed to be longer than normal route, even if it's not realy) and only when AI need pickups (but you don't need to set pickup on it ;) )
Kiwi wrote:
Gotolei wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am About that puddle, how are you planning on drawing it? I recall Marv did some cool-looking stuff in the past with semitransparent reflections. Depending on how you want to draw it out, you'll want to keep the direction of triangulation in mind once you get that far.
At the moment, I have added an additional water-box, and a custom water surface for it:

Here some "makeitgood"-screenshots, how I have done it:

I must say, I am not 100% satisfied with it. The water-effect from the waterbox does not fit to the puddle very much - it's to extreme, for such a small puddle. Also the splash when a car drives into the puddle is not fitting. Maybe, I should get rid of the waterbox at all, and just keep the water surface, and the slippery tiling?

Marv, Gotolei or anybody else - how can I get some "cool-looking stuff with semitransparent reflections"?
If gardenwater1 is too strong try gardenwater2 or gardenwater3 but if i remember the smaller it is and stronger the visual effect is ...
And about Marv's cool-looking stuff with semitransparent reflections : i think he simply use fog (if im thinking about the same thing as Gotolei)
Kiwi wrote:
Gotolei wrote: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:01 am Food for thought: because you have the drainage texture on its own dedicated faces, you could customize a surface material to match their look.
Gotolei, can you please describe this a little bit better? I don't know, what you exactly mean by this - it sounds like a different surface material change the look of a texture? If this is really the case, I should maybe use this somewhere else also.

Ciao, Kiwi
What Gotolei said is because you have dedicated faces for the drainage on World file (W) he think that you did the same for the main collision file (NCP) : so why don't use "BUMPMETAL" or "ICEx" surface type at those places ?
Damn DROPBOX !!! If you found broken link PM me

AlicebanD an English voice that you must discover !!
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Thu May 03, 2018 8:28 am

Thank you, Sebr, for this usefull comments. I will keep all of this in the back of my head, to use it later. :)

Diary from May 3rd 2018

In the last 3 days, I worked in total about 20 hours on Spa-Volt. :shock: I am really slow in doing some things - but I constantly learn and I have the personal feeling, that I improved my skills a lot in the last time. It's SO satisfying and fun to do this track. 8-)

I don't know how often I did complex things on the track, only to delete it some hours later and made it in a different way. I also did a lot of UV-mapping (especially on the swimming pool: Get the tiling perfect is really a lot of work...spent maybe 3-4 hours on it...), and have to do it again later, because I did some model changes afterwards. Guess this is called "Learning by doing". :lol:

OK, but all in all I make good progress. Sometimes my work style is a little bit chaos, because at some areas I already do some detail work, and at some other areas I have done no modelling at all. Some things are still placeholders (trees, bridges, whirlpools, changing-room lockers and dressing boxes), which will be replaced (or will be done in a more detailed way) later on.

But what I have nearly finished, is the raceline. I also added a placeholder-bridge and some placeholder changing-room objects, only to get a feeling for the final raceline. I know this is one of the most important parts, and I don't want to run into the case, that I have to totally redo complete parts of the track, because the raceline is not good. In my opinion the track is varied and fun to drive already. In a later diary-entry I plan to post a video of it, so you maybe can tell me your thoughts about it.

So here are some screenshots, about my current status!

1: Indoor Swimming Pool: The pool is the part of the track, where I have done the most work since now. I added some walls to sit on inside the pool, and have finished the drainage. I also use another texture now (not the one from Toytanic) and nearly finished the mapping for it (damn, this was so much work...).

Here you can see the "new" shape:
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And here the wall, where I will place a palm tree later on:
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2: Pool Attendant room: This is a small room at a corner of the swimming pool area. I modelled a door and windows. Behind the windows (which will be made out of glass later), you will be able to see a computer and some other stuff later. But it will not be possible, to drive into the room (the door will only be a texture).
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Bridge: I added a placeholder-bridge (stolen from Holiday Camp :o), to get a better feeling for the raceline. I will do my own bridge later. Don't know, if I should do a wodden bridge, or one made out of steel. It's fun to drive over the bridge. You have to slow down, otherwise you will jump to far, and you won't be able to reach the next corner.
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Changing Room: I also added some placeholder meshes, to get a feeling for the future raceline in the changing room area. The "W" will be the lockers later on, the "I's", will be the dressing boxes. On the left one, the doors will be open, so you can drive through it.
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Staircases: I (again!) rebuilded one of the two staircases. Now there is a "flat" way, and also normal stairs, to be more realistic. When driving down the staircase, you have to be carefull you drive the flat way, otherwise you will maybe crash downwards.

"Outside" view (will never be visible):
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I have connected all vertics of the stairs, so the faces looks a little bit strange. Do you think it's necessary to connect all vertics? I have done it, because otherwise some weapons will cause strange effects I guess?
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Signs: I added some signs. This are not final (especially the textures). I only wanted to have a look if they will fit the track. I like them and will take care of them later on. :)
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Any comments or ideas for improvements are highly appreciated. That's it for today!

Cheers, Kiwi
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Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Thu May 10, 2018 10:22 pm

Diary from May 10th 2018

I really did a lot of progress since my last diary entry. Until now, I worked more then 100 hours on Spa-Volt. I worked so much the last week, that I didn't take the time to do detailed diary entries. Sorry for that. So I will do some sort of "abstract" from the last days, for today, and hope that the next entries will be more detailed again.

First, here some ingame video footage, where you can see the current status. It's a fly through some parts of Spa-Volt.

I also did a video from the race line. It's a little bit older, so a lot of objects are missing on this version.

And if you don't like to watch videos, here some pictures :)

In Blender it looks like this at the moment:
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And here some ingame-screenshots. As you can see, I also added some lighting already! :P
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Ciao! Kiwi
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Posts: 120
From: Kayseri

Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by agg1401 » Fri May 11, 2018 6:24 am

When is the track active?
Turkish Re-Volter.

:re-volt: :re-volt: :re-volt: :re-volt:
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Posts: 12
From: Italy

Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by SnakyCurve330 » Fri May 11, 2018 6:37 am

Amazing work!!!
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Posts: 557

Re: Spa-Volt Diary

Unread post by kiwi » Fri May 11, 2018 8:13 am

agg1401 wrote: Fri May 11, 2018 6:24 am When is the track active?
I plan a release in autumn/winter 2018. There are still so much things to do, that I think this is a realistic plan.

  • Modelling clothing room area
  • Modelling restaurant area
  • Modelling technic room area
  • Re-do staircases
  • Add more details/decoration/obstacles
  • Race line optimization
  • Texturing and UV-mapping optimization
  • Cut hard shadows
  • Shading
  • Lighting and light optimization
  • Add Mirroring on some floors (if possible)
  • General optimization/cleaning
  • Optimize/Add farce fields
  • Add Trackzones/Pos Nodes
  • Finalize Triggers
  • Add AI-Nodes
  • Camera positions
  • Add more sounds/optimize current sounds
  • Produce song for background music
  • Optimization regarding performance (Visi-boxes,...)
  • Testing, testing, testing
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