I myself remember playing some of his tracks a lot when I was a kid, such as Raw Sewage, Toys in The Madhouse and Backyard Bash. He's also the one who originally coined the term Bliggity Blurgh, which some of you might recognise; a silly name that turned into an in-joke that me and a few others still throw around here and then. I'm really going to miss sharing our jokes with him.

Beyond Re-Volt, he was known for his work as Hallucinogenic Bulb, his band. I know he was really into metal music, and he got me into it too—he introduced so many bands to me when I was only dipping my toes into the genre, and I still listen to many of them today.
Dave was a great friend to me and many others in the 15 years or so we've known him, and I'm seriously going to miss him. It might not be much, but me and Saffron are thinking of hosting a memorial session for him on the 28th of December, where we will play through every track he released so far, in chronological order, even if it might take us 3-4 hours in the end. I think it's the least we could do to remember him by. I'll be updating this post with more information later, and on Discord too.
In the meantime, please feel free to share with us anything about Dave in this thread. I think everyone who cared for him would like to hear a few stories about him. Thank you.