RVGL Localization

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RVGL Localization

Unread post by Marv » Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:10 pm

Welcome to the RVGL Localization project. You can join this project and help improve the translations used by RVGL. Feel free to discuss your changes here, and contribute your translations to our GitLab repository (https://gitlab.com/re-volt/rvgl-assets). Everyone's contributions are welcome!

~ Huki (06-04-2020)


RVGL currently comes with the following languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish

New strings (yet to translate):

The following strings describe camera views:
► Screenshots

- Controller Slot:
- Flip / Rear View
- Multiplayer CPU
- Use Download
- Global
- Per-Rating
- Generate Mipmaps
- Anisotropy
- Split Screen
- Water Ripples
- Windowed
- Multisampling
- Waiting For Players…
- Joining Next Game…
- Press TAB to Join
- Touch Screen to Start
- Touch Screen to Resume
- Touch Screen to Continue
- Camera View
- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity

- Controller Slot:
- Flip / Rear View
- Multiplayer CPU
- Use Download
- Global
- Per-Rating
- Generate Mipmaps
- Anisotropy
- Split Screen
- Water Ripples
- Windowed
- Multisampling
- Waiting For Players…
- Joining Next Game…
- Press TAB to Join
- Touch Screen to Start
- Touch Screen to Resume
- Touch Screen to Continue
- Camera View
- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity

- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity

- Waiting For Players…
- Joining Next Game…
- Press TAB to Join
- Touch Screen to Start
- Touch Screen to Resume
- Touch Screen to Continue
- Camera View
- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity

- Controller Slot:
- Flip / Rear View
- Multiplayer CPU
- Use Download
- Global
- Per-Rating
- Generate Mipmaps
- Anisotropy
- Split Screen
- Water Ripples
- Windowed
- Multisampling
- Waiting For Players…
- Joining Next Game…
- Press TAB to Join
- Touch Screen to Start
- Touch Screen to Resume
- Touch Screen to Continue
- Camera View
- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity

all done :)

- Press TAB to Join
- Touch Screen to Start
- Touch Screen to Resume
- Touch Screen to Continue
- Camera View
- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity

- Press TAB to Join
- Touch Screen to Start
- Touch Screen to Resume
- Touch Screen to Continue
- Camera View
- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity

- Use Download
- Global
- Per-Rating
- Generate Mipmaps
- Anisotropy
- Split Screen
- Water Ripples
- Windowed
- Multisampling
- Waiting For Players…
- Joining Next Game…
- Press TAB to Join
- Touch Screen to Start
- Touch Screen to Resume
- Touch Screen to Continue
- Camera View
- Follow
- Chase
- In-Car
- Hood
- Button Opacity
- Final Lap!: Sista varvet! (needs to be confirmed)

If you know a language well enough to translate the strings listed above, feel free to leave a post with a translation ;)
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by SebR » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:20 pm

- Final Lap!: Dernier Tour !

The following strings describe camera views:
Follow Derrière
Chase Au Dessus
In-Car Intérieur
Hood Personnalisée
Button Opacity Visibilité des Boutons

- Controller Slot: Sélection Joueur
- Flip / Rear View (Kay's sugestion)
- Multiplayer CPU (Black-Revolt001's suggestion)
- Vs Phantome Opposant Fantôme
- Use Download Téléchargé
- Global Globale
- Per-Rating Par Catégorie
- Generate Mipmaps Créer Mipmaps
- Anisotropy (Black-Revolt001's suggestion)
- Split Screen (Black-Revolt001's suggestion)
- Water Ripples Vaguelettes
- Windowed Fenêtré
- Multisampling (Kay's sugestion)
- Waiting For Players… (Kay's sugestion)...
- Joining Next Game… Rejoindre la prochaine partie...
- Press TAB to Join (Kay's sugestion)
- Touch Screen to Start Toucher l'écran pour Démarrer
- Touch Screen to Resume Toucher l'écran pour Reprendre
- Touch Screen to Continue Toucher l'écran pour Continuer
- Camera View (Black-Revolt001's suggestion)
Last edited by SebR on Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Damn DROPBOX !!! If you found broken link PM me

AlicebanD an English voice that you must discover !!
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Tavisco » Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:06 pm

- Final Lap!: Última Volta!
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Posts: 92
From: France

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Black-Revolt001 » Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:05 am

- Controller Slot: Emplacement du contrôleur ou emplacement touche
- Flip / Rear View : Caméra / Vue arrière
- Multiplayer CPU : Multijoueurs CPU
- Use Download : Utilisé un téléchargement
- Global : Global
- Per-Rating : (Trié) par note
- Generate Mipmaps : Généré les mipmaps
- Anisotropy : Anisotropie
- Split Screen : Ecran Partagé
- Water Ripples : Ondulations d'eau
- Windowed : (Mode) fenêtre
- Multisampling : ?
- Waiting For Players… : Attente de joueurs
- Joining Next Game… : Rejoindre le prochain jeu
- Press TAB to Join : Appuyer sur TAB pour jouer
- Touch Screen to Start : Touché l'écran pour démarré
- Touch Screen to Resume : Touché l'écran pour résumé
- Touch Screen to Continue : Touché l'écran pour continué
- Camera View : Vue caméra
- Follow : Suivre ou suivant
- Chase : (Mode) Poursuite
- In-Car : (Vue) Dans la voiture
- Hood : (Vue) Toit
- Button Opacity : Opacité du boutton
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by OlfillasOdikno » Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:40 am

- Follow: folgen
- Chase: verfolgen
- In-Car (if it is for the cam): Auto(kamera)
- Hood: Motorhaube(nkamera)
- Button Opacity : Knopf/Tasten (depends on the context) Deckkraft
Posts: 34
From: GB

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Gorgonzola » Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:51 pm

- Press TAB to Join = Presiona TAB para unirte
- Touch Screen to Start = Toca la pantalla para unirte
- Touch Screen to Resume = Toca la pantalla para reanudar
- Touch Screen to Continue = Toca la pantalla para continuar
- Camera View = Vista de cámara
- Follow = Seguir lejos
- Chase = Seguir cerca
- In-Car = Paragolpes
- Hood = Capó
- Button Opacity = Botones opacos
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:39 pm

I have sent you the polish.txt file with fully translated game on Discord. Fixed translation mistakes, translated missing words etc.
Posts: 7

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by kay » Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:53 pm

(For the french translation, I suggest this instead. And it'd be nice to have criticism)

- Flip / Rear View: Retourner / Vue en arrière
- Use Download: Utiliser le téléchargement
- Water Ripples: ondulation de l'eau
- Windowed: Mode fenêtre
- Multisampling: Echantillonnage multiple
- Waiting For Players…: En attente des joueurs
- Joining Next Game…: Rejoignant le prochain jeu
- Press TAB to Join: Appuyez sur TAB pour rejoindre
- Touch Screen to Start: Tapez l'écran pour démarrer
- Touch Screen to Resume: Tapez l'écran pour continuer
- Touch Screen to Continue: Tapez l'écran pour continuer

- Follow: Chasse
- Chase: Poursuite
- In-Car: à l'intérieur
- Hood: Capot
- Button Opacity: Opacité du bouton
(use SebR's suggestion)
Posts: 4

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by RaydenX » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:51 am

For Italian language (I'm Italian). Could you provide some more infos for some of the strings below?

- Controller Slot: Slot Controller
- Flip / Rear View: Ribalta / Guarda indietro
- Multiplayer CPU: CPU Multigiocatore
- Use Download: Usa Download
- Global: Globale
- Per-Rating: Per Categoria (can I get some context for this one?)
- Generate Mipmaps: Genera Mipmaps
- Anisotropy: Anisotropia
- Split Screen: Schermo Condiviso
- Water Ripples: Increspature Onde
- Windowed: In Finestra
- Multisampling: Multicampionamento
- Waiting For Players… : In attesa dei giocatori...
- Joining Next Game… : Unione alla prossima partita...
- Press TAB to Join: Per TAB per unirti
- Touch Screen to Start: Tocca lo schermo per cominciare
- Touch Screen to Resume: Tocca lo schermo per riprendere
- Touch Screen to Continue: Tocca lo schermo per continuare
- Camera View: Visuale telecamera
- Follow: Segui da lontano
- Chase: Segui da vicino
- In-Car: Interna
- Hood: Cofano
- Button Opacity: Opacità bottone
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Huki » Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:57 pm

RaydenX wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:51 am - Per-Rating: Per Categoria (can I get some context for this one?)
You can select either Global or Per-Rating split times in Time Trial. i.e., when split times are "per-rating", a separate ghost car is used for each car rating (Rookie ... Pro), otherwise there is a single ghost car.
split_times.jpg (5.1 KiB) Viewed 1336314 times
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From: Italy

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by JohnCorl_x3 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:02 pm

This is a full remade Italian localization that I was doing with MarraX99 (the original one is pretty bad), after enough feedback from italian players it could be included in RVGL as is.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n4ZrWa ... sp=sharing

Just copy italian2.txt in your string folder and select Italiano+ for testing, tell me what I should change.
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Black-Revolt001 » Tue May 01, 2018 12:50 pm

Load profiles : Chargement profiles
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Huki » Wed May 02, 2018 6:29 pm

New string to be translated:
- Video Renderer

Here's the context:
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by r6te » Wed May 02, 2018 6:52 pm

- Controller Slot: Controller-ingang
- Flip / Rear View: Kantelen / Achteruitzicht
- Multiplayer CPU: Multiplayer computer-tegenstander (or 'Multiplayer computer-tegenstanders' [in plural])
- Use Download: ? (context missing) Gebruik download
- Global: Globaal
- Per-Rating: Per waardering
- Generate Mipmaps: Genereer mipmaps
- Anisotropy: Anisotropie
- Split Screen: Gesplitst scherm
- Water Ripples: Waterdeiningen
- Windowed: Venstermodus
- Multisampling: Multisampling
- Waiting For Players…: Wachten op spelers...
- Joining Next Game…: Volgende race wordt opgestart...
- Press TAB to Join: Druk op TAB om mee te doen
- Touch Screen to Start: Raak scherm aan om te starten
- Touch Screen to Resume: Raak scherm aan om te hervatten
- Touch Screen to Continue: Raak scherm aan om door te gaan
- Camera View: Camerauitzicht
- Follow: Volgen
- Chase: Dicht bij volgen
- In-Car: In de auto
- Hood: Motorkap
- Button Opacity: Doorzichtigheid knoppen
- Video Renderer: Video-renderer
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Tavisco » Wed May 02, 2018 8:11 pm

- Press TAB to Join: Pressione TAB para entrar
- Touch Screen to Start: Toque na tela para iniciar
- Touch Screen to Resume: Toque na tela para retomar
- Touch Screen to Continue: Toque na tela para continuar
- Camera View: Visão da câmera
- Follow: Seguir
- Chase: Perseguir
- In-Car: Dentro do carro
- Hood: Capô
- Button Opacity: Opacidade dos botões
- Video Renderer: Renderização
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From: Ankara, Turkey

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by yusufcihan » Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:03 pm

This topic may be old,
Apparently, Re-Volt does not have the Turkish language. But I have fully translated RVGL into Turkish. ;) :re-volt: Because I want Re-Volt and RVGL to reach more people.
Also, I'm ready to translate again to upcoming new strings.

I hope you can add the Turkish language to Re-Volt;
Language file in Turkish: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vb48l ... OhPWh1_7pV
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by agg1401 » Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:45 am

yusufcihan wrote: Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:03 pm Hello,
This topic may be old,
Apparently, Re-Volt does not have the Turkish language. But I have fully translated RVGL into Turkish. ;) :re-volt: Because I want Re-Volt and RVGL to reach more people.
Also, I'm ready to translate again to upcoming new strings.

I hope you can add the Turkish language to Re-Volt;
Language file in Turkish: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vb48l ... OhPWh1_7pV
In the translation file, I found a few mistakes.

Original-> You translate, My Translate;
  • Practice: Pratik, Alıştırma
  • Frontend Loading: Frontend Yükleniyor, Önyüz Yükleniyor/Ana Menü Yükleniyor
  • Stunt Arena: Gösteri Arenası, Gösteri Bölgesi
Turkish Re-Volter.

:re-volt: :re-volt: :re-volt: :re-volt:
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Pyves » Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:26 pm

Would it make sense to publicly version control the localisation files? That way it will be easier to contribute and improve the existing translations. ;)
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Marv » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:50 pm

Pyves wrote: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:26 pm Would it make sense to publicly version control the localisation files? That way it will be easier to contribute and improve the existing translations. ;)
Definitely! I can't decide whether to use GitLab or GitHub now... GitLab would make more since since that's where RVGL is.

Edit: Ah, well... https://github.com/Re-Volt/rvgl-strings
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From: Ankara, Turkey

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by yusufcihan » Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:51 am

agg1401 wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:45 am
yusufcihan wrote: Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:03 pm Hello,
This topic may be old,
Apparently, Re-Volt does not have the Turkish language. But I have fully translated RVGL into Turkish. ;) :re-volt: Because I want Re-Volt and RVGL to reach more people.
Also, I'm ready to translate again to upcoming new strings.

I hope you can add the Turkish language to Re-Volt;
Language file in Turkish: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vb48l ... OhPWh1_7pV
In the translation file, I found a few mistakes.

Original-> You translate, My Translate;
  • Practice: Pratik, Alıştırma
  • Frontend Loading: Frontend Yükleniyor, Önyüz Yükleniyor/Ana Menü Yükleniyor
  • Stunt Arena: Gösteri Arenası, Gösteri Bölgesi
I did this deliberately to avoid disruption of Re-Volt originals. :)
Also, Re-Volt's font does not support the letter "ş". So I tried to use the "ş" letter less often.
With your translate: "Alistirma" It's kind of weird on the menu, is not it?
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From: Kayseri

Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by agg1401 » Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:44 pm

You translate according to our original language, Huki will solve this problem already.
Turkish Re-Volter.

:re-volt: :re-volt: :re-volt: :re-volt:
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Instant » Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:55 am

I just.. pushed a branch or what, please check if I've done it right. Do I need to send a pull request?
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Marv » Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:25 am

Instant wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:55 am I just.. pushed a branch or what, please check if I've done it right. Do I need to send a pull request?
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by Instant » Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:58 am

Alright, done.
Where are the camera views' name written?
I might actually revise the whole translation in the near future.
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Re: RVGL Localization

Unread post by VaidX47 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:41 pm

Lithuanian string: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kOzJR ... 06eJji6CAH
Only compatible with the latest 18.1110a patch.

I'm certainly not an expert at this sort of thing, so it's not going to be perfect of course. I did some research on certain definitions at least.
Tested main things, excluding whole championship mode progress and network features, but I'm certain it won't break (unless some longer line cuts off, happened once during championship - "press any key to continue" at the bottom).

Fun fact: it is the largest string by file size so far.
aka Vaid; >[MediaFire Stuff]<
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