Extracting files to RVGL folder on MacOS

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Extracting files to RVGL folder on MacOS

Unread post by Zon » Fri May 31, 2024 12:55 pm

How do i extract the content packs into the game folder on MacOS?, i kind of need help with that :thonking:
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Re: Extracting files to RVGL folder on MacOS

Unread post by VaidX47 » Fri May 31, 2024 8:15 pm

Should be:

Code: Select all

/Users/<user-name>/Library/Application Support/RVGL
Refer to RVGL Documentation: https://re-volt.gitlab.io/rvgl-docs/os- ... h-on-macos
Make sure folder names match both sides (from archive to game dir) before merging/copying.
aka Vaid; >[MediaFire Stuff]<
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