RV House News

A place for tourneys, competitions and other online racing events.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Touriga » Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:14 pm

Me 2 no connection to centralized. Would be great to clarify once and for all which ports have to be open for RVH.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by kiwi » Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:07 pm

Doesn't work for me neither. It just saying "Centralized connecting" all the time.

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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Huki » Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:36 pm

For those with centralized not working: did you set the new server IP in rvhouse.ini?


Like the above?
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by kiwi » Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:49 pm


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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Elekid » Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:51 am

Thanks a lot for the new server. It seems to be working fine now, at least on my end.

I would like to take the opportunity to ask about the following things, hopefully for the next update or for the following versions.

1. Shortcut by default.

During an RVHouse installation I noticed that the Create a desktop icon option is disabled by default on the setup program, and I think that having this option enabled by default is the best course of action. Removing an accidentally created shortcut later is way more simple than having to create a new one just because the user forgot to pay attention during setup and manually check this box. And having an extra shortcut to access this program is always better than not having it.

Please make this box checked by default.


2. Fix for Could not connect to decentralized network error message needed.

It's possible that many rvhouse players are familiar with the infamous error message that appears when there's a problem with P2P and after some time, most find it extremely intrusive due to its current behaviour.


Why? It appears compulsorily on every single login every time rvhouse can't connect properly to P2P, it doesn't offer a way to simply close the message and continue using rvhouse, it forces the users to click on OK (the only available option), and after clicking on OK or trying to close the dialogue box, it'll always open your web browser by force to show the Router Help page.

Opening the user's web browser by force might be an undesired thing in many occasions and it's better if it could be prevented, and the information on this dialogue box becomes quite unnecessary after a long time of using this program.

I think this should be modified in a way that it does its job but it isn't so intrusive. This could be fixed in a simple way, by adding an option like "Do not show this message again".

Additionally, the Router Help page should not be opened compulsorily after pressing OK.
"OK" should not mean "Open my web browser". "OK" should mean "OK, I understand there's a problem, thanks".
If providing a Help site were really necessary, there should be an alternative way to offer the user to visit this website, and probably the most typical way of doing this would be through a button besides OK saying something like "Visit a Help page".

3. Unnecessary menu(s).

There are a couple of unnecesary menus on RVHouse and something could be done to make a better use of them, remove them or optimize them. Settings for example is inside "Edit", being it the only option there, which basically makes having a menu plus a submenu rather pointless. I think Edit should be removed and "Settings" should be on its place, making the access to it direct and saving the user 1 unnecessary click.


The same thing could be done for File > Exit. Exit is the only option inside File.
What could be done to improve this? Either remove File or, on the contrary, add other "longcut" options inside File that are similar to Quit, like Refresh or Create a room for example, or anything to optimize the upper menu.

4. Firewall Rules on Setup.

Make RVHouse Setup program automatically create the Firewall rules during installation whenever's possible instead of the first time it launches. I've seen other programs do this and it's awesome.


5. Host Detector.

This is more of a question. I'm aware that RVHouse uses at least one of these ports (according to rvhouse.ini the 2301, the 2302 or the 2304) for specific tasks. And I know that depending on the user's connectivity to the server, P2P, or both, then different colours will be used to show the players' names.

One of these colours is especially interesting, the brown one, which seems to indicate that user's connection is behind NAT. I wonder if this means that RVH is really able to detect if a port is open or closed. Due to the existence of this apparent port detection at least for 1 port, would it be possible then to allow RVHouse to detect the status of the port 2310? And if it were detected as open by RVHouse, could a special colour be used for the user to indicate that this player can be a host?

This way we could quickly recognize people able to host just by looking at the colour of their nicknames on RVHouse. Apart from being able to identify hosting problems more quickly and ruling out possible connectivity issues.

6. Refresh issue.
Touriga wrote:RV House is suffering from very slow or even no refresh at all (I wake up in the morning and I see 10 people connected, I refresh and they exit). Rooms do not show up for everybody.
It's true that this is a very common issue. We all have experienced quite often what Touriga correctly describes here. Perhaps the new server will improve this and the player list will be more accurate for some time but if it didn't, could RVHouse be made to refresh periodically with a certain period of time that can be edited by the user through Settings and having a default automatic Refresh of, let's say, once per hour / every two hours / evey 15 minutes?

That's about it, no more ideas for now.

Thanks a lot.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Touriga » Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:47 pm

Elekid wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:51 am Thanks a lot for the new server. It seems to be working fine now, at least on my end.

5. Host Detector.

This is more of a question. I'm aware that RVHouse uses at least one of these ports (according to rvhouse.ini the 2301, the 2302 or the 2304) for specific tasks. And I know that depending on the user's connectivity to the server, P2P, or both, then different colours will be used to show the players' names.

One of these colours is especially interesting, the brown one, ...

This way we could quickly recognize people able to host just by looking at the colour of their nicknames on RVHouse. Apart from being able to identify hosting problems more quickly and ruling out possible connectivity issues.

6. Refresh issue.

We all have experienced quite often what Touriga correctly describes here. Perhaps the new server will improve this and the player list will be more accurate for some time but if it didn't, could RVHouse be made to refresh periodically with a certain period of time that can be edited by the user through Settings and having a default automatic Refresh of, let's say, once per hour / every two hours / evey 15 minutes?
Hi Elekid,

The dark blue colour indicates it is a possible host, but RVH from what I read in RVH firewall help:

Protocol TCP
Source Ports 2301,47624
Target Ports 2301,47624
To IP Your IP

Protocol UDP
Source Ports 2300-2400
Target Ports 2300-2400
To IP Your IP

From RVGL we need port 2310 right ?

But then you look into rvhouse.ini and you see:




Question: Are all the ports in RVH firewall help needed?

What ports are needed for both RVH and RVGL ?
Faster RVH refresh would be great....

Million thanks,

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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Huki » Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:35 pm

RV House is updated to 0.94.5.

  • New centralized server.
  • Updated about page and links.
  • Added Linux libraries.

Check the first post for download links.
Existing users should receive a notification upon launching RV House.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Kipy » Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:17 pm

Downloaded the one from the notification via RVH, not connected still. Reinstalled from this topic, not works still. Why it not works on my end?
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Touriga » Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:03 am

@Kipy: There must be something wrong with your router or firewall / anti virus configuration.

@Huki: What are the ports needed for both RVGL and RVHOUSE is below the correct ?

RVHOUSE TCP 2301,47624 and UDP 2300-2400 -> this UDP port range covers RVGL...

Why do we see different ports in rvhouse.ini ?

Million thanks.

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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Kipy » Tue Feb 25, 2020 12:01 pm

It works now. It seems if you don't run it as admin, it doesn't let you connect to the centralized server.. which is a huge what the f..
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Huki » Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:33 pm

Touriga wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:03 am @Huki: What are the ports needed for both RVGL and RVHOUSE is below the correct ?

RVHOUSE TCP 2301,47624 and UDP 2300-2400 -> this UDP port range covers RVGL...

Why do we see different ports in rvhouse.ini ?
The ports specified in rvhouse.ini are the correct ones. TCP 47624 and UDP 2300-2400 are ports required by the original Re-Volt versions. These are no longer used in RVGL.

As far as I'm aware, RV House requires no port forwarding for centralized connection (can someone confirm?). For P2P, it uses 2301 (TCP) and 2304 (UDP).

Kipy wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 12:01 pm It works now. It seems if you don't run it as admin, it doesn't let you connect to the centralized server.. which is a huge what the f..
Perhaps RV House was unable to write configuration files because of lack of permission. I can't think of any other reason...
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Touriga » Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:21 pm

I can confirm I can connect to centralized and to p2p with just ports 2301 (TCP) and 2304 (UDP).

To host RVGL in RVHOUSE we would just need 2310 udp ?
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by hajducsekb » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:07 pm

Yes, all you need is 2310 UDP (not even that, if you only wanna join lobbies). I only have that, and I'm always connected to centralized, and I'm also able to host. The ports are only needed for creating RVGL lobbies.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Touriga » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:44 pm


I have just tested RVGL hosting through RVH with ports 2301 (TCP) and 2304,2310 (UDP) to be working.

I guess the RVHouse website and firewall help should be updated to reflect this, no need to have all these ports open if they are not needed.

Million thanks.

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Re: RV House News

Unread post by mmudshark » Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:08 pm

No one in rvh can connect P2P today. Centralized connected: P2P disconnected; IP Dectected properly. Any idea why?
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Touriga » Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:27 am

Redownloaded kadc.ini and it was my belief that if you deleted contact.dat it would be redownloaded but it is not the case.

Repo contact.dat backup.

None got me p2p connection.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Huki » Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:41 pm

RV House connects to the eDonkey / Overnet network for P2P support. For this to work, we need live contact nodes (those are the IPs in kadc.ini). I contacted arto and we believe the network is dead for good. This means, for the time being, RV House will be dependent on the central server.

One possible option for us is to switch to the similar and actively maintained eMule network, or even BitTorrent. But there is a lot of difference between these protocols, so it'll be a significant effort to get this working.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Touriga » Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:14 pm

Thank you for the clarification Huki.

Because when you start RVH and don't connect to p2p you end up in the firewall help webpage which will confuse any new user can anything be done about it ? Could we just get an alert when opening RVH with a do not show again option ?

Can anything be done about the refresh ?

Million thanks.

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Re: RV House News

Unread post by RAZ » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:15 pm

Huki wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:41 pm RV House connects to the eDonkey / Overnet network for P2P support. For this to work, we need live contact nodes (those are the IPs in kadc.ini). I contacted arto and we believe the network is dead for good. This means, for the time being, RV House will be dependent on the central server.

One possible option for us is to switch to the similar and actively maintained eMule network, or even BitTorrent. But there is a lot of difference between these protocols, so it'll be a significant effort to get this working.
Bro, can we(me) help you? maybe donate? i want the game to live
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Stingox » Tue May 05, 2020 4:25 pm

There's an issue connecting centralized to rvhouse right now. As the P2P has not been functioning for a while we players cannot see eachother at the moment. Can we please have this fixed?
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by Huki » Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:16 pm

RV House is updated to 0.94.6.

  • Disabled P2P in config file (no longer working since Overnet peers are dead).
  • Detect IP from centralized server when joined.
  • Windows: Upgrade ACE to 6.3.3.

Check the first post for download links.
Existing users should receive a notification upon launching RV House.
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by EREN » Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:55 pm

I was wondiring why no ones in the Rv hause
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Re: RV House News

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Tue Feb 01, 2022 12:31 am

Cause it's broken so nobody uses it anymore
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