[RVGL Release] 23.1030a

News and announcements about RVGL's development.
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Posts: 24
From: Chile

[RVGL Release] 23.1030a

Unread post by BGM » Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:34 am

RVGL has been updated to 23.1030a1!

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Visit the topics for the Android version and the Shader edition for more information.

Download the Dreamcast Pack: rvgl_dcpack.zip
Download the Community Soundtrack: soundtrack.zip
Download the Controller Map Android app: rvgl_controllermap.apk
More about the update and RVGL: changelog | docs

Full game downloads are available at Re-Volt I/O.

Image The network version has been updated!

Hello there, everyone.

Just like we mentioned in our previous game update, we, as the RVGL team, are aiming to provide faster and more effective updates to RVGL. We want to thank you all for your patience and for bearing with us for all these years!

This update is meant to be a bug fix and maintenance update. Read the changelog to know everything that has changed.

Weapon Fixes
Personally, I would like to point out that this update addresses, amongst other things, several multiplayer issues that are related to a single item in the changelog: "Fixed weapons getting killed immediately after firing for some players". In more player-relatable terms, it addresses the following:
  • Zaps rendering locally, but not on other players' screens.
  • Batteries rendering locally, but not on other players' screens.
  • Rockets firing locally, but immediately exploding on other players' screens.
  • Water balloons firing locally, but immediately exploding on other players' screens.
  • Shockwaves firing locally, but immediately disappearing on other players' screens.
  • Bombs rendering locally, but exploding immediately on other players' screens.
Therefore, this should help improve online racing in general. One more step in the right direction!

Object Teleportation Fixes
Since our last release, there have been reports of objects like tumbleweeds or traffic cones still teleporting in online races. Not only that, but also two more bugs which had not been seen before have been reported as well. This release aims to address these bugs. Therefore, the following issues were fixed:
  • Objects appearing out of nowhere (teleporting)
    For example, objects like tumbleweeds in Ghost Town would suddenly appear in front of your car while you were driving in multiplayer.
  • Cars passing through objects (lack of collision)
    This issue has been reported to have occurred in tracks like Toys in the Hood 1 and 2. You would go right through traffic cones without colliding with them in multiplayer if the cone was desynchronised in your screen.
  • Cars hitting invisible objects
    By far, the most famous example of this new bug was Route 77, where you would drive on the track in multiplayer and suddenly collide with an invisible cone which happened to be desynchronised in your screen.
Disabled SSO by Default
The OpenGL feature called Separate Shader Objects (SSO) has been disabled by default.

It was reported that SSO was causing issues with recent AMD drivers and certain mobile devices. (#1629) Therefore, it has been disabled by default for new installations.

Note: Exisiting installations will continue to have SSO enabled, so you'd need to either disable it manually, or delete rvgl.ini so a new one is generated with defaults.

Fixed System Message Boxes
On Windows and macOS, the game now switches to windowed mode before showing a system message box. In more practical terms, this means that your game should no longer get stuck when triggering a message box while being in fullscreen. For example, when you try to connect to a lobby and you can't connect for whatever reason. (#1636)

In addition to that, the game is now minimised when focus is lost (eg, Windows key or Alt-Tab).

General Fixes:
  • Object Animation: Fixed sound and spark effects not playing when they are specified at the first frame of the animation.
  • Fixed broken split time triggers in several stock tracks. Updated trigger files are provided with this update.
  • Fixed rendering of the green glow in Battle Tag when DRINKME cheat is used. (#1625)
  • Ensure skin filenames that go above the suffix length limit are rejected properly. (#1640)
  • Minor grammar fix in Spanish and Portuguese translations. (#122)
► Show changelog of this version
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Posts: 120
From: Kayseri

Re: [RVGL Release] 23.1030a

Unread post by agg1401 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:18 am

The alt+tab problem still persists. I am using Linux Mint Cinnamon.
Turkish Re-Volter.

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Posts: 24
From: Chile

Re: [RVGL Release] 23.1030a

Unread post by BGM » Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:16 pm

agg1401 wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:18 am The alt+tab problem still persists. I am using Linux Mint Cinnamon.
Can you describe the "issue" you're experiencing and your expected behaviour, please?

Thanks for testing on Mint!
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Posts: 311

Re: [RVGL Release] 23.1030a

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:01 pm

Not sure what can be his problem, I never had problems with failed-to-join popups or alt-tab on Linux Mint.
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