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Visible feedback for starting boost

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:39 am
by ciccio
Right now if you get the starting boost you just get it and sometimes you don't even notice, which is not great when learning this new mechanic. It would be nice to have some kind of visual cue or feedback, for example a fading out battery effect, so that when you actually get the starting boost, you also get this cue. An audio effect would complete the feature, but it wouldn't be as noticeable (although much welcome) as the a battery fading out effect.

This suggestion is specifically made to help new people learn the game faster, since while the boost is not that noticeable and can be overlooked as lag, a clear effect would arise questions and interest in the game mechanics and ultimately even help hook players into the game (since itself it does a terrible job at explaining the various mechanics).

Re: Visible feedback for starting boost

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:57 am
by hajducsekb
Seems like a nice idea! However, the screen is cluttered enough with the go signs at the start (I almost crash sometimes, it takes up so much of the screen), so I hope if this gets introduced, it will be either:
  • really small
  • something that can be turned off

Edit: ooooooh, it's meant as a battery effect.. I'm dumb. That could be interesting. Still think it'd be nice if it could be disabled, but the above issue should be dismissed lol.

Re: Visible feedback for starting boost

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:04 pm
by ZipperZbieracz
bad idea you dont get a screen notification when you press gas

Re: Visible feedback for starting boost

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:23 pm
by MightyCucumber
I've seen in some old pictures from when Marv was working on the source code some sort of "boost" effect, a smoke trail coming off the back end of the car.

Maybe that can be used as visual cue?