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Racing tracks from both ends (starting in opposite directions)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:36 pm
by 7wells

Would it make sense (and be fun) to race a track from both ends? I.e. half of the cars (+/-1) start from the default start of the track, the others from its end - and they very likely will hit each other somewhere in the middle (unless the track had deviations to take). Am I overseeing something that would make this impossible (or just nonsense)? Again, thanks for frankly sharing your thoughts.

Re: Racing tracks from both ends

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:20 pm
by Avecezar
This seems interesting. Starting in opposite directions 😱 Should be a lot of fun when you meet somewhere in the middle and it would promote reverse mode as well. It's a nice idea 👍

Re: Racing tracks from both ends (starting in opposite directions)

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:35 pm
by SebR
There is a track with a small part like that : Blue Dolphin

And another with a start/race line split in two different ways : CHRISTMAS SPECIAL STAGE BY CRESCVIPER

so i think it's already possible to make it now ;)

Re: Racing tracks from both ends (starting in opposite directions)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:25 am
by 7wells
Oh, I see - good to know! ;) It indeed works nicely on the Blue Dolphin track. :)

So does this mean that by "simply" adding another "button" (or similar) to any(!) track would result in the possibility to race against opponents from opposite sides?

There is already the possibility to hit the left/right and up/down arrows on the track selection screen to race the track mirrored/non-mirrored and/or straight/reverse. Maybe on that track selection screen we could add a possibility that some cars start from the opposite side? Could we offer the user to chose if half of the cars, provide the number of the cars, all AI cars, all cars except for player number <x>, or some other flexibility?

I wrote "we" - please accept my apologies as I am not a developer and have no experience with coding, but maybe I can help anyway. :)