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Concept of player numbers and controller settings unclear

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 12:31 pm
by 7wells

I meanwhile run RVGL via launcher on Windows 10, which works great. :)

My problem, though, is that I do not fully understand the concept of player numbers and controller settings.

We play with 4 players, sometimes only with 3, 2 (split screen), or even just 1 player. Each player has an own profile, but when we come to the controller settings, we often face the problem that the controllers are switched, e.g. player 1 suddenly has the controller settings from player 2 etc., despite the players have the same controllers in their hands as soon day before. And sometimes, the controller settings are even completely "gone", i.e. set to default, without having been changed by a player.

What was the recommended way if several family members with 4 controllers in total would like to avoid daily confusion about who owns which controller and without the need to go through the controller settings again and again?

Thanks for sharing yours thoughts! :)

Re: Concept of player numbers and controller settings unclear

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 6:24 pm
by 7wells
Can someone please let me know if I may have completely misunderstood these settings? I.e. do we need 4 profiles when 4 players want to play in split screen mode?

I find it complicated and confusing that every time we have to check and sometimes update the controller settings, because after playing with 3, now playing with just 2 or 4 seems to mess up the controller settings. Is this related with the profiles or not? What is the best practice? Thank you.

Re: Concept of player numbers and controller settings unclear

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:05 am
by 7wells
Sorry, another "PS":

Is there a way to keep each controller fixed to each player? (no matter, if just 1 player races, or 2, 3, or even 4)
Player 1 - controller A
Player 2 - controller B
Player 3 - controller C
Player 4 - controller D

I find it very cumbersome to change the controller settings every time, we switch the numbers of players. Already told the kids that each one should always take the same controller, but that does not seem to help of e.g. changes from playing with 4 players to 2 players.

I am maybe the only one who has these problems? Or am I just too dumb to do it right? :oops:
You can answer frankly to me. ;)