I'm making a car in Blender and trying to put it in Re-Volt. So far it's been successful, in the fact that the model is imported into RVGL. However, the textures that I have made and applied to the car and wheels will not go into RVGL.
I've unwrapped the car and wheels using Blender 2.9's smart unwrap project.
I've used Inkscape to make the textures, and exporting them as PNGs.
I've applied the textures to the model(s) (including wheels)
I've exported as a PRM and imported to Blender 2.79b (I do this to make sure that the addon for 2.79b recognises the textures).
I've exported again as a PRM.
I've imported it to RVGL by putting the file in my car's folder and changing the Params to recognise it as the main model
Once done this, I boot up RVGL and find the car has no texture and is in fact pitch black
I have tried importing to RVGL straight from 2.9, exporting to 2.79b as an OBJ (as well as other file types) and none of these have worked
On some occasions, I can get the body to import the textures I want as a different carskin (the primary carskin is completely black) and once I've selected the correct texture, the other one is no longer selectable (even thought the arrows that appear next to a car with multiple skins stay there)
Anyone know how I can get the textures to apply? I have spent several hours trying everything I can think of and nothing has been a permanent solution
Texture is Applied to model but won't go into RVGL?
Re: Texture is Applied to model but won't go into RVGL?
Carskin needs t obe bmp. RVGL reads the car's models as prm, and their texture as a single bmp for all the parts.
Re: Texture is Applied to model but won't go into RVGL?
Just trying to help. Had to learn all by my own, so I want others to have it easier