Rocket targeting glitch

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Rocket targeting glitch

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:17 pm

There might be a serious glitch with the rocket targeting system in RVGL.

Let's imagine there is a player A that has 3 rockets from a pickup and a player B who is targeted by the player A.

The glitch is that even though player A sees the player B as his target (green circle on player B) and shoots at him, player B on his own PC doesn't see himself as the target of the rocket. On player's A PC he can see that the rockets hit the player B directly, but absolutely nothing happens to him, player B didn't even juke the rockets. Why? Because on player's B computer, he is not seeing himself (his car) as a target of a rocket picked up by the player A (on his PC it would be a red circle on his car, he can't see it, so on his PC he is "not targeted" by any rocket even though player A targets him with a rocket and sees the green target circle on his own PC). So when player A shoots those rockets, on player's B computer those rockets instead of hitting him directly, they fly into the sky or target and hit a player C driving ahead of him, no rockets are hitting the player B because on his PC he wasn't a target of those rockets so those rockets don't fly and hit him, but fly to the air or hit another player if one is nearby (on players B computer he's not the target, but sees player C as the target and the rockets on player's B PC hit player C).

This glitch works for the entire race, entire session perhaps too but I can't confirm it. Player B can stay still and the glitch still works.

The glitch feels similar to "cant see others" glitch back from 1.2 version. Reconnecting might work in fixing the glitch temporarily, might also not, hard to confirm. The glitch is hard to catch and usually players shun it as just massive lag, but laggy rockets is something completely different. Especially when player ahead is doing 0 dodges as he doesn't even see himself as a target of a rocket, and even laggy rockets will hit a player driving fully straight. I've seen this glitch happen to me on both as a player A (I cant hit other specific player with my rockets) and as a player B (a specific player cant hit me with his rockets).
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Re: Rocket targeting glitch

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:33 am

Proof this glitch is real and not some RVRc imaginations:

On the 3rd lap Wurzel tries to hit me with his 3 rockets, but two rockets go to the air and hit nothing, while his 3rd rocket instead of hitting me (I was in front of him), hits Mmud who was even further ahead, mmud was ahead of me. All that happened because on my screen (and maybe on host's as well, who knows) I was not seeing myself as a target of his rockets, so on my screen his rockets went "to the air", just like firing rockets with no target would look like, while the 3rd rocket was targetting a car ahead of me, even further away, and hit him directly. You have to take my word for it, but for the whole time Wurzel had his rockets and then fired his first, second and third one, on my screen I was not a target of any rocket weapon, there was no red target circle on me from his rockets pickup. Of course it's not scientific conditions, this glitch is very hard to catch, hard to find and most players would just shun it as lag.

It's not lag, streamable video link:

Youtube video if streamable removes video after inactivity
Last edited by ZipperZbieracz on Fri Jan 21, 2022 12:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rocket targeting glitch

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:13 pm

Another proof of the rocket targeting glitch:

Here Laggerok fires his first rocket at me and hits it (on my screen I was targeted by the rocket), but his second and third shots went straight to the air, because on my screen I wasn't targeted by his rockets with the red crosshair. So the first rocket was fired and flew and hit properly – without the glitch, but his second and third shots went straight to the air, because when I was on the straight I was no longer "targeted" with the crosshair on my screen by his rocket pickup.

[It might have been that on my screen Laggerok also went through a pickup (and picked it up despite still having 2 rockets) that is not visible on the replay (the right-hand pickup that spawns right after the hill, not the center one that is visible on the replay), but I can't say for sure if that happened on my screen or not]

Youtube link
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Re: Rocket targeting glitch

Unread post by Huki » Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:49 am

I saw the videos and it looks like the target status isn't being communicated properly between players. Can you confirm whether these sessions were all played with the latest RVGL version?
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Re: Rocket targeting glitch

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:47 am

The situations and videos above happened on the latest rvgl_21.0930a-1 version. Can't confirm or deny whether it's happening in rvgl_21.0905a-1 version or the earlier rvgl_21.0125a version.
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Re: Rocket targeting glitch

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:40 pm

by wanting to rectify this kind of malfunction, it will recreate a [new] problem...
it's an endless chain, it was not necessary to optimize the netcode because in 56k it did not lag a lot, just synchronization problems but which were perhaps necessary...
go reset back netcode to beta !
and remove fu optimizations for 16-24 players !

of course because this problem for example was not introduced voluntarily and therefore is not directly linked by future fixes, but by old modifications which do not necessarily have direct links via the code...
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Re: Rocket targeting glitch

Unread post by Huki » Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:24 am

The rocket targeting glitch was real and not just the result of lag. The target state could get turned off by itself when certain events occur. We were able to identify and fix this issue, and also improved the synchronization of pickups in general. Big thanks to BGM, who is a new developer in our team and was very eager to work on solving this issue.

Also to note is that these problems have existed since the original version. I've checked the original code, and I can confirm that the buggy code exists. Dolo's pessimistic view on change, progress and optimization is sad to hear.
in 56k it did not lag a lot
But, the world has changed since 56k, a huge number of people are using the internet now, and ISPs prioritize bandwidth over ping. Back in 2006, the ping between me and an American player was around 200ms. Now, it's 390ms. It gets worse when a blocked port prevents direct P2P connection between players.