Add new difficulty type for tracks

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From: France

Add new difficulty type for tracks

Unread post by Keyran » Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:29 pm

Some custom tracks are insanely hard compared to the stock tracks rated Extreme (and Museum 1).
Why not add a new difficulty type above Extreme? Future tracks as hard as Cliff Mountain Trail, Spa-Volt 1 or Fairground 2 could have it.
I know the difficulty depends on the feeling of the player, but for some tracks it is obvious they should not be in the same category than the hardest stock tracks.
Re-Volter since 2004 and creator since 2020.
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Re: Add new difficulty type for tracks

Unread post by 607 » Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:05 am

Not sure. Personally I think Extreme is extreme enough, unless it turns out that half of the custom tracks end up rated Extreme.
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Re: Add new difficulty type for tracks

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:49 am

Re-Volt stock track ratings are a little bit all over the place. Museum 2 and Botanical Garden are more difficult than TW1 and TW2 and imo should be rated Hard or Medium rather than Easy, while out of 3 hardest stock tracks (Hood2, SM1 and Mus1), 2 of them are rated Hard rather than Extreme. In the end it's just an option for the trackmaker to put the estimated track difficulty in their custom track and 4 ratings to choose from is fine. And complex custom tracks tend to be hard/extreme, because the authors often put a lot of "stuff" in them – lots of turns, lots of obstacles, blind turns, array of turns one after another etc.
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