Bomb not exploding

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Bomb not exploding

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:11 pm

Bomb sometimes doesn't explode (meaning the bomb instead of turning the car black and starting the fuse just disappears from the weapon slot) for some reason. I think this glitch was present in the base game on Museum1 (at least it did on my copy of the original game), but now it can happen randomly, although very rarely on any track.
Posts: 20

Re: Bomb not exploding

Unread post by Kilabarus » Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:34 am

+1 to this, encountered this bug few times both in older and newest version of RVGL

Also Ryals captured this bug on his stream literally few days ago, here is the clip ... T8-ztgkut2

And I also wanna add to bug description smth from my own experience
When I get this bug, I become literally immune to bombs.
What I mean by this is that no other player can pass bomb to me no matter how they try and every bomb I pick just dissappears like on the Ryals' clip.
Based on this and my programming experience I think there may be some flag in the game that shows whether player currently has bomb or not, so when this bug happens this flag just never goes to false. However i may be wrong

Last time this happened to me, I and 2 other people were trying to pass 1 bomb bumping into each other many times in a short period of time.
Hope this will help you somehow
Last edited by Kilabarus on Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bomb not exploding

Unread post by bonczy » Wed Apr 05, 2023 10:30 am

i think this is probably related to the "bomb immunity timer" where, in RVGL, if you explode because of a bomb, or get destroyed by a fake pickup, you get a few seconds of immunity to bomb pickups (not fakes though), where other players can't pass bombs to you and bombs disappear from weapon slot if activated in this state :thonkingintensifies: .
the timer probably glitches out because of something and it gives you this "immunity to bombs" for the whole race pretty much
Posts: 2

Re: Bomb not exploding

Unread post by iurac » Sun May 07, 2023 5:54 pm

Even in the newest RVGL version as of 7th of May 2023 (23.0501a), the bomb defusing bug is still a thing. :grimacing:
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Re: Bomb not exploding

Unread post by Huki » Mon May 08, 2023 9:48 am

iurac wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 5:54 pm Even in the newest RVGL version as of 7th of May 2023 (23.0501a), the bomb defusing bug is still a thing. :grimacing:
When the bug happens, do you find something like "Object type 20 out of bounds" in the log file? You can find the log file at "profiles\re-volt.log". Can you check this the next time the bug happens?

Also, does your car fall out of the world's bounds before this bug happens?
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Re: Bomb not exploding

Unread post by Huki » Mon May 08, 2023 11:16 pm

I discovered certain situations when the bug could actually happen. I've fixed them now, but the fix didn't make it into the upcoming hotfix update. You'll have to wait until the next release for this one.

The bug, like Kilabarus said, was caused by the player's bomb flag not being reset correctly. This can happen either when several players attempt to pass the bomb among themselves in quick succession, or when a car with bomb falls out of the world bounds.
Posts: 2

Re: Bomb not exploding

Unread post by iurac » Tue May 09, 2023 6:25 am

i tried to replicate the bug, but i hadnt had the time yet. I fell through the map in Swan Street 50m ago, so yeah, as you said ,out of bounds. Glad to see it fixed.
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