Pickup changing last second glitch

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Pickup changing last second glitch

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:15 pm

There is a glitch that some people experienced for a couple of months already, but supposedly Huki experienced this in all Re-Volt versions.

When players look at the pickup window, they often do it when the pickup wheel slows down to a halt just before the pickup is usable. Then the player expects to have a specific weapon – zap. But after using the weapon or looking at the wheel again, there is a different weapon picked – oil. Or a player expects to have a shockwave, but fires a zap. It can be just a "wheel" display issue where the wheel is displaying a wrong pickup will be usable, a netcode issue/desync with the host, whatever the issue might be, it's a real thing and not a phantasm as more than one player experienced this on more than one occasion. Wasn't caught on video, at least not yet.
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