What exactly is the ANM mod?

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What exactly is the ANM mod?

Unread post by chiefisreal » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:47 pm

I decided to get the launcher to keep everything up to date and to get things that weren't included in the base online version, but I have no idea what the ANM mod is. Documentation show nothing and nothing came back online That was useful. Right now, I have everything selected except the win32 and Linux binaries. To use the ANM do I really have to uncheck everything? After I have been told what it actually is..

Also reposition is useless I'm still stuck in the same area I'm trying to get out of and have to restart the race...I fell of the titanic map, and I am just endlessly falling can't get back to the map.....

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Re: What exactly is the ANM mod?

Unread post by bonczy » Wed Apr 05, 2023 10:04 am

ANM is Adeon Network Mayhem total conversion mod for RVGL. YOU NEED TO DISABLE EVERY OTHER PACK (except for RVGL assets (NOT game_files) and binaries) FOR IT TO WORK PROPERLY
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