(RVGL Android) Is it possible to move RVGL directory in external memory?

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(RVGL Android) Is it possible to move RVGL directory in external memory?

Unread post by jokysatria » Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:30 am

Since my device have low internal storage, I need to move my RVGL to my external memory, so I can add io content. I tried to move RVGL via setting/app manager, but it's not work (the directory is not moving, although it said it was already moved). I tried manually move the directory to my external memory, but instead, RVGL somehow ran from internal storage (I know this because, I already added io content, but when I run RVGL, the io content is not loaded. When I move RVGL back into internal directory, it can load the io content). So is it possible to run RVGL Android from external storage?
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Re: (RVGL Android) Is it possible to move RVGL directory in external memory?

Unread post by bonczy » Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:03 pm

edit: does not work
i think you can run RVGL from external storage with this method:
0.5. uninstall the RVGL app (if you installed it before doing this method)
1. download the RVGL apk from https://rvgl.org 's downloads page (NOT FROM RE-VOLT I/O WEBSITE)
2. download the following packs:
rvgl_dcpack (optional)
soundtrack (optional)
3. extract these packs into <your external storage> -> RVGL (in my case it's "/storage/extSdCard/RVGL")
4. install the apk (MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOADED IT FROM https://rvgl.org)
5. run app
now RVGL should boot from your external storage :D
then you can add the I/O packs and other custom content to your external storage folder.
Last edited by bonczy on Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (RVGL Android) Is it possible to move RVGL directory in external memory?

Unread post by bonczy » Wed Apr 05, 2023 9:41 am

i think it's not possible to move RVGL to external storage until some update is released.
The only other method I know is to use Terminal to execute a command to launch the RVGL app with some arguments (launch parameters), but that requires root permissions and some terminal emulator to do
(maybe ADB will also work but that requires another computer and a USB cable if your phone doesn't support wireless USB debugging)
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Re: (RVGL Android) Is it possible to move RVGL directory in external memory?

Unread post by IgorOfficial123 » Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:11 am

you can install RVGL with 30MB with this: install the app from this website: https://re-volt.io/downloads/game then open the app, (it will create a folder with RVGL's game files) then uninstall the app. Then install the app from this website: https://rvgl.org/ Tutorial:
1. Go to the website.
2. Find "Setup:"
3. Install android version.
You can also delete some files from the RVGL folder like: the loading screen from the GFX folder since it isn't visible in the android version of the game. (The loading screen) Delete any file you want that you don't need. Now you are good to go! Hope this helped :re-volt: :rvpizza: :) :gabe: :cat3:
Last edited by IgorOfficial123 on Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:23 am, edited 5 times in total.
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