DRINKME weapon effects on cars are normal size

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DRINKME weapon effects on cars are normal size

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Wed May 03, 2023 8:51 am

Only since the version 23.0501 i found out about the DRINKME cheat, and I immediately spotted something, bug or not:

The weapon effects that appear on the car itself (zap, battery, car preparing to explode) are not shrunk with the car, they are of regular car size.



being zapped/starred

car bomb (ok)

car preparing to explode (not ok)
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Re: DRINKME weapon effects on cars are normal size

Unread post by SebR » Sat May 06, 2023 11:12 am

It was like this on Re-volt 1.0, i don't know if it was changed on latest RVGL ...
DRINKME only affect *.PRM files but not *.HUL (on my old memory)
Try to use Panga with DRINKME and cry (... or scream)

Edit : tested on rvgl 21.0930 and it's the same, so not new bug but original feature
Damn DROPBOX !!! If you found broken link PM me

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Re: DRINKME weapon effects on cars are normal size

Unread post by BGM » Sat May 06, 2023 4:20 pm

As mentioned by Seb, this issue has been around forever.

I'm glad to say that this has been addressed and will see a fix in the upcoming release.

Thanks for using the forums to report it!
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