Button that removes repository doesn't work in RVGL Launcher

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Button that removes repository doesn't work in RVGL Launcher

Unread post by Kilabarus » Wed May 10, 2023 1:16 am

In RVGL Launcher I go to "Repositories" tab, select one of the repositories, button "Remove" becomes active but nothing happens when I click it

Afaik I have the latest version, v0.1.23.510a1
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Re: Button that removes repository doesn't work in RVGL Launcher

Unread post by Huki » Wed May 10, 2023 12:02 pm

The default set of repositories cannot be removed or disabled, only user added repositories can be removed. But it's weird that the remove button is not greyed out in such cases - that needs to be fixed. I'm also thinking about letting the user disable any repository except the base I/O repo (which is needed for the launcher to function).
Posts: 20

Re: Button that removes repository doesn't work in RVGL Launcher

Unread post by Kilabarus » Wed May 10, 2023 12:08 pm

I added RVA repository long ago and recently found out that it has changed so I wanted to delete and replace it, but couldn't delete it through the launcher, so it's not only about default repositories I believe

There also were some repositories that didn't look like default ones (like ARM and duc's no repo tracks) but can't say for sure bcs I already deleted them through editing the file
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Re: Button that removes repository doesn't work in RVGL Launcher

Unread post by Huki » Wed May 10, 2023 12:25 pm

Kilabarus wrote: Wed May 10, 2023 12:08 pm I added RVA repository long ago and recently found out that it has changed so I wanted to delete and replace it, but couldn't delete it through the launcher, so it's not only about default repositories I believe

There also were some repositories that didn't look like default ones (like ARM and duc's no repo tracks) but can't say for sure bcs I already deleted them through editing the file
RVA repository was added as a default repo not long ago, same with duc's and ARM. The complete list of default repos can be found here: https://re-volt.gitlab.io/rvio/repos/
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