I didn't find anything related to this topic in the search menu, so I'm making one.
PC specs:
Win10 Pro
Ryzen 5 2600
GTX 1070
16GB RAM 2666MHz
So my problem is that almost every race I play online my frame drops to 0 midrace. It started years ago, I have no idea when. They usually last less than a second, but sometimes it can take more, my personal best is on Toytanic 2 where I had 2 seconds of frozen screen and audio, ingame music and system sounds played just fine. After the stutter everything goes back to normal, except I'm still at the same position and speed as I was before the stutter, while people around me didn't stop on their client side, so they can be from a couple to tens of meters ahead of me. It's not rare that people overtook me while this happened. At this point I figured out that I can weaponize it using zaps and rockets, but it would be way better to just play the game normally (and maybe it's just a little bit unethical

Also I can play hours in singleplayer and not a single stutter is happening.
Troubleshooting things i made:
Reinstalling RVGL: no luck
Messing with RVGL config: nope
Updating ALL drivers (even GPU bios, oh yes, I used to have a 1050ti and I had the same issue)
Capping FPS to 60-120-240-480 through Nvidia control panel: it runs 1000+ unlimited
Closing Discord and/or all unncecessary apps: this fixed it for some people, I'm still stuttering, lucky me
Running Android RVGL through Bluestacks: This is the best solution yet, constant 60fps, no stuttering, but I can't change FOV which is a dealbreaker to me
Running RVGL on HyperV Ubuntu VM: works, but it goes around 30-40 fps, no stutters tho. Also no audio and can't make gpu acceleration work.
Troubleshooting things I haven't made:
Downgrading drivers: Just won't
Reinstalling Windows: Nope
Installing Ubuntu/Linux Mint: When I get a USB stick dedicated for this task
Possible causes:
Poor network connection: I have a VDSL connection around 30Mbps download and 5-10 upload, usually I'm not teleporting
Some random ass Windows service: highest possibility
Well, that's all for now, if anyone needs feedback or has a possible solution without renovating my PC I'd gladly help or take advice, but seems like I'll probably just play it on a linux flash drive

(I can post clips but it's nothing fancy, I don't think it's necessary)