More descriptive CHT tag

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Posts: 16

More descriptive CHT tag

Unread post by Kilabarus » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:35 pm

CHT tag could be more descriptive than it is now

Now, there are a lot of ways to make it more descriptive, one of the best comparing by usefulness/complexity ratio is
"Cht" - for different "C"ar compared to the host
"chT" - for different "T"rack compared to the host
"cHt" - for anything else ("H"ack ;) )

With this system you can also have combinations like "ChT" - player has both different car and track to the host but everything else is the same
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Posts: 8

Re: More descriptive CHT tag

Unread post by LaggeeROK » Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:50 pm

not bad, i remember was time when host could not allow to join players with any cht tag
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