Screen going full black if you hit escape while spectating a repositioning person

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Screen going full black if you hit escape while spectating a repositioning person

Unread post by Frosttbitten » Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:07 pm

It's just as the title suggests. If you spectate a person in a lobby and you press Escape on the frame where they repo and the screen is darkening out, it will remain dark until the end of that race. It is especially frustrating if this happens to the host as they won't know when the last person has finished, assuming they are waiting for the person to cross the line and would have to rely on the rest of the players of the lobby by asking them about it.
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Re: Screen going full black if you hit escape while spectating a repositioning person

Unread post by Santiii727 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:23 pm

Frosttbitten wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:07 pm It's just as the title suggests. If you spectate a person in a lobby and you press Escape on the frame where they repo and the screen is darkening out, it will remain dark until the end of that race. It is especially frustrating if this happens to the host as they won't know when the last person has finished, assuming they are waiting for the person to cross the line and would have to rely on the rest of the players of the lobby by asking them about it.
Yep can report this glitch too, but if you press TAB happens the same thing
Posts: 20

Re: Screen going full black if you hit escape while spectating a repositioning person

Unread post by Kilabarus » Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:18 pm

Experienced it few weeks ago when I was playing on my old PC with Windows 10 on it

Previously I was playing on that old PC but with Windows 7 installed and this bug never happened
Never experienced it on my new PC with Windows 11
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