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Option to toggle Landslides

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:20 pm
by jeff.d.guile99
I'd like to suggest an option to toggle landslide races.
In this case, the Game Settings menu has a "Landslide" option. This option is enabled by default, but here's what happens when you disable it:
  • Any car 50+ meters ahead of the last place car will be disabled (in the same way as the electric and global weapons) until they're back in range.
  • If the cars in front are disabled for fifteen seconds, the remaining active cars behind them will be "eliminated" from the race, at which point all cars are reactivated and racing resumes.
    At the end of the race, the word "Eliminated" will appear next to the names of "eliminated" cars in the results screen instead of their times.
  • And if all but one car is "eliminated", the last car standing automatically wins the race.
    In this case, the word "Default" will appear next to the name of that car in the results screen instead of their time.