Sound Car Glitch when the player left the race.

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Sound Car Glitch when the player left the race.

Unread post by Santiii727 » Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:23 am

The sound of the car still remains when the player leaves the race (Going to the spectator directly without changed the car or left the room due to disconnection), that should not happen since the sound of the car should leave with him and if joins in again, the sound of the car would resume where it was.

That it does not apply when the player has returned to the lobby (It continues to show as a ghosting car).
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Re: Sound Car Glitch when the player left the race.

Unread post by Sauss-Ente » Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:15 pm

Can confirm that. I think it happens very regularly when someone disconnects. Messes up the sound experience, which is worth quite something in tight battles in RVGL. Having an engine sound out of nowhere can destroy the immersion somewhat.
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