RVGL Launcher and rvmm folder in folder with russian characters

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RVGL Launcher and rvmm folder in folder with russian characters

Unread post by Kilabarus » Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:17 am

When I install RVGL Launcher and choose "Standard" install type, the path to the rvmm folder looks like "C:\Users\4CFA~1\AppData\Local\rvmm" and installing it like this have no problems in the future

However if I choose "Custom" install type and choose the same folder, the path changes to "C:\Users\Роман\AppData\Local\rvmm", it installs and works just fine but it always says that game and packages can be updated even though they already are

When clicking to update it tries to update for few seconds but nothing changes, console output after clicking:

Code: Select all

Updating packages...
Verifying C:\Users\Роман\AppData\Local\rvmm\downloads\rvgl_assets.zip
Unpacking rvgl_assets...
Running command ('7z.exe', 'x', 'C:\Users\Роман\AppData\Local\rvmm\downloads\rvgl_assets.zip', '-y', '-oC:\Users\Роман\AppData\Local\rvmm\packs\rvgl_assets').
Could not launch 7-Zip.
  'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x90 in position 173: invalid start byte
Could not extract rvgl_assets, skipping...
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