Re-Make Discussion

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From: Europe 2

Re-Volt Re-Make Discussion

Unread post by Marv » Wed May 02, 2018 7:45 am

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Note regarding the RVGL roadmap:

Re-Make's initial goal was to recreate the game assets in order to be more flexible with the game's distribution.
Ever since I started helping out with RVGL, I started reconsidering things. My biggest contribution so far was properties.txt, a way to modify many aspects of a level. I realized that the same thing could be done to more parts of the game, for example championships.
Following this line of thought brought me to the idea of the roadmap linked above.
Making the game more open for modders also adds options to distribute the game without any copyrighted assets, one goal we had in mind while coming up with Re-Make.

I'd like to start a discussion so we can re-evaluate Re-Make's viability. For the record, I don't intend to cancel the project, I just don't want you to be disappointed that the project might not be what you're expecting. I'll also have to step down in terms of responsibility in regards of the project since I have too many other things going on (add-on, RVGL, website, ...). Not that I've ever put much effort into coordinating the project, anyway...

The first problem that comes to mind is that Re-Make's assets are still technically copyrighted because the follow the same idea. The cars and tracks have been made with the same concept in mind, directly copying it from the original counterparts. Cars and tracks have the same names, paintjobs and shapes. They might not be distinguishable enough from the original assets, except for their improved quality.

While there are many fan remakes out there, some have been facing legal troubles.
I'm very sure that we would get away with it, given that the current owner of the IP is not really active whatsoever.
Further into the future, though, we can't be sure where the game ends up. Someone might pick it up again and decide to sell it and we even might be forced to take the game down.

With the option to create a distribution of the game that only includes community content (completely custom, completely new ideas, not based on Re-Volt), I think it's better to go down that route rather than seeing Re-Make as our version of the game that we can do anything with.

I think it's best to have a completely independent game so we don't have to worry about the legality of the game content at all. I've been hosting the game files for a while now. My name's out there and I'd feel much more comfortable hosting game files that we own instead. The original assets can still be obtained from various sources, anyway.

So yeah, that's what I would like to work towards instead. It's up to you whether to continue creating assets for the project.
I've been working on some new graphics lately which you might have seen on Discord (arrows and weapons).
There's a new repository that hosts those files along with all core assets from re-make (wavs, gfx, models, ...)

These core assets can be used instead of the original assets which ultimately will allow us to distribute RVGL with custom tracks + cars.
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Posts: 391

Re: Re-Make Discussion

Unread post by 607 » Wed May 02, 2018 8:26 am

Interesting food for thought. :)
Posts: 7

Re: Re-Make Discussion

Unread post by urnemanden » Wed May 02, 2018 11:49 am

I think this is a great idea. It also significantly lowers the burden for you if we re-use existing content made by the community. It would also be very interesting if this opens up for fans to create their own championships, "progress table" and so on. There were a couple of mods trying to do this, but hitting the wall because some of these aspects still are hardcoded. :)
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From: Kayseri

Re: Re-Make Discussion

Unread post by agg1401 » Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:45 pm

I want to help this project. What can I do?

I'd not do;
+ Drawing
+ Coding
+ Music

I'd do;
+ Text Production
+ Trial and Error Reporting
+ Introduction
Turkish Re-Volter.

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Posts: 236
From: Europe 2

Re: Re-Make Discussion

Unread post by Marv » Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:37 am

I moved the re-make and core assets repos to the Re-Volt group on gitlab and updated the links in the original post accordingly.
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