Your Re-Volt Collection

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Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by kiwi » Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:33 pm

This thread is for showing Re-Volt related items you own.

I want to start with my small collection. I hope it will grow in the future. If so, I will update my post!

1.) PC Version (EU, Boxed)

EAN: 3455199416335
No. Box: BOX94163.03-GER
No. CD Case Front: FTL94163.00-EUR
No. CD Case Back: BKL94163.00-EUR
No. CD: CD194163.00-EUR
Language Box: Multi (ENG, GER, FRA, ESP, NL)
Language CD Case: Multi (ENG, GER, FRA, ESP, NL)
Language Manual: N/A

This is my original PC version from Re-Volt, which I buyed in summer 1999 in a local store. Sadly I lost the manual, but I still hope to find it somewhere. If not, I want to try to find one at eBay some day. However, I am pretty happy that the box survived the last 20 years and is still in very good condition. Here some pics:


[hide="More pictures from the PC version"]Image


2.) N64 Version (PAL, Boxed)

EAN: 345519610023
No. Box: BX164163.01-UKV
No. Cartridge: NUS-EUR-1
No. Manual: MAN64163.01-UKV
Language Box: Multi (ENG, GER, FRA, ESP, ITA, NL)
Language Manual: ENG

I own this english N64 version of the game, which I buyed on eBay from a seller from the UK, without owning a Nintendo 64 console. The box is in not so good condition anymore, but the manual and the cartridge are in very good condition. Pictures of my N64 version:


[hide="More pictures from the N64 version"]Image[/hide]

3.) Dreamcast Version (PAL)

EAN: 3455198316315
No. Box Front: FTL83163.00-EUR
No. Box Back: BKL83163.01-ENG
No. CD: CDI83163.00-EUR
No. Manual: MAN83163.01-ENG
Language Box: ENG
Language Manual: ENG

This is my English Dreamcast version (European Version) in perfect condition, which I found on eBay from a seller from Norway. I own a Dreamcast as well, and can‘t wait to try out Re-Volt on this console, cause I only played the PC version so far.


[hide="More pictures from the DC version"]Image


3.) Playstation Version (PAL)

EAN: 3455192116317
No. Box Front: FTL21163.00-EUR
No. Box Back: BKL21163.01-UKV
No. CD: CDI21163.00-EUR
No. Manual: MAN21163.01-UKV
Language Box: Multi (ENG, ESP)
Language Manual: ENG

This is the European Playstation version of Re-Volt I've found at eBay from an seller in the UK. The PSX version is the cheapest one to find. The condition is pretty nice as well here.


[hide="More pictures from the PSX version"]Image


For the future I also want to have some US and JP versions in my collection, but let's see what I can find.
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by RV_Passion » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:59 pm

Well, I think it's time to recover my stuff again, after all these years.

Btw, nice start for a re-volt collection. ^^
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by 607 » Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:49 am

Wow Kiwi, that's cool! I'm surprised to see the box of your original game in such a good state.
I'd like to get Re-Volt for N64 one day, mostly to play it but also partly to have it, but it's not expensive, so I'd like to save it until I run into it IRL, instead of buying it through the internet.
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by erickner93 » Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:54 pm

Wow cool! All in good state Kiwi! I will soon start my very own collection too.

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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by VaidX47 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 1:11 am

I have a Dreamcast copy, which I've picked not too long ago from ebay. It's pretty much the same as Kiwi's, so I don't have a reason to post any photos. :eyes:

[hide=ech, found one photo I've posted in Discord previously as a lackluster proof]Image[/hide]
aka Vaid; >[MediaFire Stuff]<
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by kiwi » Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:11 am

This week I will receive the last item for my collection for now: An European PSX version of the game.

Anybody own US or Japan versions from Re-Volt? I also want to have some of this in the future, but they are quite expensive.
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by kiwi » Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:16 am

My Playstation copy of Re-Volt arrived yesterday. :) So I am complete now, with having one copy of each system. My next steps are now to find JP or US versions of the game.
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by Huki » Tue Aug 13, 2019 7:56 am

Here is mine:

[hide=PC Version (EU)]

Printed on the CD is "EDIZIONE ITALIANA".
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by Steb » Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:11 pm

I've received my first copy of Re-Volt for PC in 2001 or 2002 from a french magazine called "PC Collector".
The magazine is very interesting because it gives you a lot of information about the game such as how to use it, how to mod it, where to find additional content, and where to find active communities.
I took some pictures of the pages.
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Then I lost the CD (you know, the classic thing when you lend your game to some friend and he never gives it back to you, but of course when you ask him, he always tells you he already did it, what a liar...), so I bought another copy.
Interestingly, there is that little Acclaim book that still refers to RC Revenge with the name Re-Volt 2.
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edit: I'm surprised by the different designs for the the CD case and the CD itself. It seems it depends on the date and the location you bought it.
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by 607 » Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:43 pm

Steb wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:11 pm The magazine is very interesting because it gives you a lot of information about the game such as how to use it, how to mod it, where to find additional content, and where to find active communities.
I took some pictures of the pages.
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That is very interesting indeed!! Thanks for sharing! :)
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by RV_Passion » Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:30 pm

So, this is what I've collected since many years, and it's still not over. ^^

I will go into more detail about my collection, but later.
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by kiwi » Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:38 pm

Now I know why you call yourself RV Passion. Incredible collection. :o
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by SebR » Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:18 pm

So it's time to show my own collection :

1.) Some Demos found here and there on summer 1999
v0.01 and v0.01cgw (still work fine on windows 10)
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2.) PC Version (EU, Boxed) full
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3.) Dreamcast Version (PAL) don't ask why i have it twice, i can't remember why
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4.) Playstation Version (PAL) with broken box
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I don't have any N64 version (only a ROM copy that i can run on pc)
Damn DROPBOX !!! If you found broken link PM me

AlicebanD an English voice that you must discover !!
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by 607 » Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:51 am

Wow Passion, that is crazy! :o
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by ZipperZbieracz » Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:30 pm

Not a very large collection, but I started playing Re-Volt all because my cousin gave me this CD (it has some other minor games as well, DSJ Ski Jumping, Hercules…) when I was almost/just 6 years old (around 2003 or so). Re-Volt was not my first game to play (my first game to ever be played was Spyro the Dragon or something very similar to it), but Re-Volt was my first one to be completed and truly loved. I remember I had to remove Bertha Ballistics from the game folders because whenever it was picked by me or the PC, it was crashing the game.

CD contains Version 1.1 without musics, with provided unpolished Polish localisation.

Pretty weak considering I have original legit Trackmania Original or NFSMW and GTA:VC CD's but whatever, that's how gaming got into Poland and how it spread back in the days.

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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by 607 » Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:19 pm

Haha, interesting, Zipper!
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by Balesz » Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:13 pm

Last October I've finally found an original copy of Re-Volt locally yaaaay!
However, it was a copy included with Gamer magazine, so it didn't have a cover, which meant I have to make one! It took half a year, but it's finally here!

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Some stuff about creating the cover:
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If you pay with yen I will give you discount...
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Re: Your Re-Volt Collection

Unread post by EREN » Sun Jul 17, 2022 8:49 pm

I decided to make my own Re-volt collection and bought 1 cd and 2 posters from america and germany.
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